Following are a list of links to people/websites that are closely associated with our website. Please also take the time to view the websites of our Industry Partners.

WA Dieback Portal: This web portal is a one stop shop for information on how to manage Phytophthora dieback: Within infested areas Phytophthora Dieback acts like a Biological Bulldozer by killing dominant tree and understorey plant species. We need you to help join in the fight to stop this Biological Bulldozer. Together we can protect our state's natural heritage for future generations to enjoy.

California Oak Mortality Task Force: The Task Force focuses on the potentially devastating effects of a newly discovered pathogen called Phytophthora ramorum. It has caused an outbreak of Sudden Oak Death, which is killing large numbers of the native oaks and tanoaks in California's coastal regions.

Dieback Working Group:
Since its formation, the Dieback Working Group endeavours to increase awareness and understanding about dieback in the Perth metropolitan area and the southwest region of Western Australia...

Phytophthora database: Toward the goal of enhancing our ability to detect, diagnose, monitor, and manage Phytophthora diseases, Phytophthora database have been systematically cataloging genotypic and phenotypic data of Phytophthora spp. in a web-based database - easily accessed and utilized by the global community of plant health professionals.

Department for Environment and Heritage: On this site you will see examples of South Australian plants and animals, and have access to lists and maps of where they are found in nature. For the more adventurous there is help to identify some plants and animals you may find in the bush.

Horticulture Australia: HAL is a national research, development and marketing organisation. We work in partnership with the horticulture sector to invest in programs that provide benefit to the Australian horticultural industry.

WA Native Plants Susceptible and Resistant to Phytophthora cinnamomi
Up to 22% of the plant species of the southwest may be susceptible to Phytophthora cinnamomi. There are however a number of species that are resistant as they are observed to survive in the field in the presence of the fungus...