Role of Phytophthora in Blackberry decline
Dr Sonia Aghighi has recently completed her PhD on the role of Phytophthora in the decline of blackberries observed along the Warren River In the south-west of western Australia. Blackberry is a serious invasive species in Australia and one of the original 20 “Weeds of National Significance” and a major weed of conservation, forestry, and agriculture, particularly in wetter areas. During her PhD she isolated numerous species, tested their pathogenicity toward blackberries and came up with a model to explain blackberry decline.
- Aghighi S, Burgess TI, Scott JK, Calver M, Hardy GES, 2015. Isolation and pathogenicity of Phytophthora species from declining Rubus anglocandicans. Plant Pathology. Doi: 10.1111/ppa.12436.
- Aghighi S, Fontanini L, Yeoh P, Hardy GESJ, Burgess TI, Scott JK, 2014. A Conceptual Model to Describe the Decline of European Blackberry (Rubus anglocandicans), A Weed of National Significance in Australia. Plant Disease. 98: 580-589.
- Aghighi S, Hardy GESJ, Scott JK, Burgess TI, 2012. Phytophthora bilorbang sp. nov., a new species associated with the decline of Rubus anglocandicans (European blackberry) in Western Australia. European Journal of Forest Pathology. 133: 841-855.
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