Western Australian Native Plants Susceptible and Resistant to Phytophthora cinnamomi
Compiled by E. Groves, G. Hardy & J. McComb, Murdoch University
Phytophthora cinnamomi is a soil borne fungal pathogen causing the disease known as ‘dieback disease' or ‘jarrah dieback' . Early settlers introduced the fungus into Australia and it has long been recognized as a serious threat to the flora of Western Australia. It has a wide host range and the name ‘jarrah dieback' is misleading as it can kill many species in the forest, woodland and sandplain communities in the south-west of Western Australia. Up to 22% of the plant species of the southwest may be susceptible. There are however a number of species that are resistant as they are observed to survive in the field in the presence of the fungus.
The following lists bring together research of Western Australian native species susceptible or resistant to P. cinnamomi. They have been compiled from field observations of resistance or susceptibility and results of controlled experiments. However the classification of a plant as resistant or susceptible to P. cinnamomi is often dependent on other environmental factors which can influence their susceptibility to the pathogen. The resistant list therefore provides guide as to which plants would have a greater chance of survival in dieback affected sites. Both lists also include information on the availability of species in commercial plant nurseries.
- Brochure of Native Garden Species Resistant to Dieback
- List of Resistant Species
- List of Susceptible Species
- References
This project was possible thanks to the following sponsors:
Dr M McCall, Murdoch University, Horticulture Australia, Domus Nursery, NGIWA, Lullfitz Nursery, Zanthorrea Nursery
Picture provided by Jackie Hooper, Zanthorrea Nursery