Centre for Phytophthora Science & Management (CPSM)


New species descriptions

Until 2009, the all Phytophthora species associated with natural ecosystems in Australia were known alien invasives and their identification had been based on morphological comparisons to known species (there are limited morphological features and the same features can be shared by several species).  However, in the past 20 years molecular taxonomy has revolutionised studies into microscopic organisms.   Re-evaluation of the collection of the Vegetation Health Service collection held by the Department of Parks and Wildlife and subsequent studies have led to the description of 12 new Phytophthora species from Western Australia, many of which appear to be native; P. multivora, P. elongata, P. arenaria, P. constricta, P. thermophila, P. litoralis, P. amnicola, P. fluvialis, P. moyootj, P. bilorbang, P. gregata and P. gibbosa.  There are still more new species to describe. Studies are underway at the CPSM to determine the origin, impact, pathogenicity and sensitivity of these species to phosphite.

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